Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Can Die Now

I used to think that if Carlos Nakai - father of the resurrection of Native American Flute music - came to a Potomac Native American Flute Festival, that that would be the pinnacle of my NAF life.  But while he did grace us with his presence several years ago, I realized soon after that the true climax would be if Mary Youngblood, a Grammy winner and my favorite NAF artist, ever accepted our invitation.  And while I hoped it might happen, I doubted it would; she was on the West Coast, and would our festival really ever be able to afford her?

Well, I am here to remind you never to give up hope!  Mary Youngblood was our featured performer at the 9th Potomac Native American Flute Festival's Saturday concert last night and conducted a fun workshop this afternoon on flute embellishments.  She is known for her embellishments, especially her trademark "bark."  She was warm, enthusiastic, and quite personal, and everyone loved her.

Before and after the concert I had the privilege of selling her CDs and music books, and since I am a huge fan, I could assist attendees with their purchases when they needed a recommendation.  It was a blast!  She stood next to me, signing CDs and meeting people.

Mary Youngblood has been here, and another PNAFF is over already.  I can die now.

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